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Extension and Research Projects

UniSER is an extension program of UnB that has several extension projects in its composition. Our "flagship" is the Political Social Educator course in Gerontology, which lasts 1 year and a half, aimed at people aged 45 and over, in which we open vacancies twice a year at the beginning of each semester._cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_


Action Project

The Project aims at the participants to develop skills and abilities to face the challenges posed by the COVID-19 Pandemic, through Mini-courses, public and free access, offered on UniSER's Youtube channel, as well as Talk to Me, which has telephone contact as a strategy to provide a listening environment for students.

Target Audience



internal and external community

03/07/2021 to 12/31/2021
Tuesdays and Fridays 1pm

UniSER UnB Youtube Portal


UniSER Communicates Project

The Project aims to create digital content to spread knowledge about active and healthy aging through a channel on the YouTube Digital Platform and other virtual communication media. The content will be developed from the research, teaching and extension actions of the Universidade do Avelhecer Program, disseminated to internal and external audiences, in order to highlight new research in the area and promote the debate on aging on digital platforms and in the Federal District.

Target Audience



internal community and  external

03/07/21  on 12/31/21

UniSER UnB Youtube Portal


Educational Sport Project

The project seeks to train elderly people to act as referees of sports. In this way, the project intends to teach classes with theoretical cognitive contents referring to the contents of the modalities offered in the school games along with the physical preparation necessary for the execution of refereeing tasks. 

Target Audience



external community

+45 years

03/07/21  on 12/31/21



Food Education Project

The main objective of the project is to promote nutritional guidance for students enrolled in the Universidade do Avelhecer Program: UniSER, seeking, through different activities, to provide students with greater knowledge about basic concepts of nutrition, healthy eating habits, the relationship between food and illness, as well as as sustainability in the development of healthy foods. It is hoped that this action will provide greater knowledge on the subject, thus promoting an improvement in their quality of life and better social development in the field of health and food.

Coordination: Prof. Eliana Fortes Gris




In progress



Talk to Me Project

The project  has telephone contact as a strategy to provide a listening environment for UniSER students.

Coordination: Prof. Iturri de La Mata




In progress
Registration closed

Google Meets


Technogeronto Project

This project aims to implement an active methodology of intergenerational gamification on the teaching-learning process in different generations. This project is based on the university triad of research, teaching and extension, as it will be anchored in actions that involve the three elements. Its methodology is to carry out an Intergenerational ICT course and active methodologies mediated by gamification, development and validation of an educational game.

Target Audience



external community
+45 years

03/10/21  on 12/31/21

remote course


Fly Project

The Voa Project - Literary Contest for Maturity consists of a nationwide short story contest aimed at people over 45 years of age, as long as authors with completely unpublished literary works. Its debut edition, in 2021, has the theme: “Re/signifying life in times of pandemic”. The objective of the project is the publication of a book of the 30 (thirty) best short stories selected to value the person aged 45 or over as a creative and authorial social actor and to promote educational and cultural inclusion, observing the maximum of social and ethnic diversity -racial and gender as possible. 

Target Audience



external community
+45 years

03/09/21  on 12/31/21

Remote Literary Contest

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