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UniSER launches first edition of newsletter 

By Valkyrie Timoteo

On August 27, 2021, the Universidade do Avelhecer (UniSER) launched its first newsletter , or newsletter.

the diary  do Tempo comes with a proposal to bring students, employees and external audiences closer to the world of UniSER.

The first edition tells the story of the program and how it emerged within the University of Brasília. It also features the Action project, one of UniSER's seven extension projects, and several photos of the program's pioneering students.  

The coordinator of Diário do Tempo, Thays Nunes Silva , says she is very excited about the project and that the frequency of bulletins will be fortnightly , "it is a great pleasure for all of us in UniSER communication to see this project coming off the ground. It is very important for us to share the story of the program in a more humanized and joyful way, with photos of real and dear people who were part of our history."

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UniSER has vacancies for new units, if you are interested in being part of our next classes at Riacho Fundo, Guará, Asa Norte, Samambaia and Sobradinho, you can register until February 4, 2022. The Social Political Educator in Gerontology course lasts a year and a half, and classes take place from Monday to Friday, from 3 pm to 4:30 pm, in which during the pandemic period, classes are taking place remotely, through the Google platform. Meet.

REGISTRATION – UniSER is an extension program of the University of Brasília (UnB) with more than six years of operation in several cities. People aged 45 and over residing in the Federal District can participate in the Political and Social Educator in Gerontology course. The objective of the program is to promote educational and integrative actions that enable the expansion of capacities and skills in adult life and the elderly in the community.

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Follow the photos of the 2.2021 certification

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