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UniSER resumes classes remotely

By Maria Luiza Diniz 

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The University of Aging (UniSER), of the University of Brasília (UnB), informs that, as of October 5th, it will resume the disciplinary activities of the Social Political Educator Course in Gerontology for students from the Asa Norte (Darcy Ribeiro) centers , Candangolândia, Ceilândia, Structural, Guará, Taguatinga and Samambaia REMOTELY, through the online application Google Meet.

The decision to resume activities was based on the confirmation, via telephone, of the adhesion of at least 70% (seventy percent) of the students from each of the aforementioned centers. For students that contact was not possible, UniSER asks you to contact us by e-mail to formalize their registration in the remote mode.

Want to know how it will work? Access the link!

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